Rev. Guido Super DeLuxe |
Reverend Guido S. DeLuxe, DD, LDD, OGG, OHS, ST, MSU is the primary motivating force behind The Church of Tina Chopp on internet. He created The Church's first web site and posted it on Friday, October 13, 1995 while he was working as a temporary geek at Microsoft. Rev. DeLuxe has always been in charge, more or less, of the production of Church publications, including Tina Magazine and all the other print publications, some of which have been published electronically as well. While Osiris Ranebo was primarily in charge of the content of these materials, it has always been Rev. DeLuxe's job to make sure that people have access to the information, which means everything from typesetting, design and page-layout to proofreading, running the printing presses, collating, binding and distribution. It has been much to The Church's advantage that Rev. DeLuxe has always worked with computers and as a graphic artist and either in, or very closely with printing houses of all kinds.

Cover from one of the original Books of Tina Chopp |
Guido DeLuxe and Osiris Ranebo were students at Western Washington University, located in Bellingham, Washington, in the early 1980s. During that period of time Tinite Prophets Bruce and Randy also lived in Bellingham with their pet snake, Ebeneezer Squeezer, who was The Son of Tina Chopp. DeLuxe and Ranebo became acquainted with The Prophets and quickly became close friends. The Prophets had been developing the doctrines of what was to become The Church of Tina Chopp, but they had no skills, knowledge or tools to present this information to any but a few friends. DeLuxe and Ranebo took it upon themselves to forge a Church out of the Sacred Teachings which flowed from The Prophets and The Holy Snake. It was at this time that Guido DeLuxe undertook the production of the first legible copy of The Books of Tina Chopp, which existed at the time in the form of scrawlings, scribblings, doodles, chicken scratches and other weirdness which would have been practically illegible to most people.
With the help of Osiris Ranebo, DeLuxe transcribed the Holy Scribblings and typeset them, creating the original printing of The Book of Tina (the blue cover, for you collectors and historians), which was incomplete due to the fact that The Books of Tina were still in the process of being written. Only two copies of the blue-cover edition were made, one of which is in the collection of Rev. DeLuxe. The location of the other blue-cover edition is unknown; it was in the collection of Osiris Ranebo when he died. The second printing was made after it was decided that The Books of Tina were complete; after the Prophet Igon killed the Holy Snake and suffered Tina's Wrath of Soul for Snake Killing and joined the military.The second printing had an orange cover and four complete copies were made. Two orange-cover editions are currently in the collection of Rev. DeLuxe, one was sent to Bob Larson, an obnoxious evangelical "christian" broadcaster, and one is in the collection of an anonymous collector in Bellingham. The orange-cover edition is also incomplete, but it contains the vast majority of what has become the complete edition, which is the one located on this web site.
The orange-cover edition is also the one which is used most frequently in The Church's Public Vegetable Sacrifice Ceremonies, which are another innovation from Rev. DeLuxe.
At a certain point in the history of The Church of Tina Chopp, Rev.s DeLuxe and Ranebo decided that production and distribution of printed material, while effective at spreading the teachings of The Holy Snake to the far reaches of the globe, should not be the total extent of The Church's outreach to the world without Tina. Rev. DeLuxe, therefore, proposed and developed the idea of a Public Ritual Vegetable Sacrifice Ceremony, the first of which were held in Bellingham in 1990 and 1991. While he lived in Bellingham, Rev. DeLuxe celebrated the Ritual of Vegetable Sacrifice publically with a growing congregation which included, while he also lived in Bellingham, the presence of Osiris Ranebo. The public ceremonies continued even after Ranebo moved away from Bellingham, but when Rev. DeLuxe moved away from Bellingham, there was a hiatus in the regular ritual schedule which has only comparitively recently been broken.
Rev. Guido DeLuxe is The High Priest of The First Internet Church of Tina Chopp Orthodox, web master for this web site, in full realization of his Snake Destiny and a devoted disciple of The Prophets of Tina Chopp, beloved of Tina, a Doctor of Divinity (DD) and member of the following organizations: The Legion of Dynamic Discord, Erisian (LDD) and The Order of Goddess Goosers, Biscuitite (OGG). He is the founder of The Order of the Holy Snake (OHS), co-founder of The Society of Tina (ST) and he Makes Stuff Up (MSU). You can write to Rev. DeLuxe by contacting The Church of Tina
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